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To grow up in attractive, stimulating and safe surroundings should be possible for everyone. Too many residential environments constrain lifestyles and limit opportunities through their poor layout, facilities and design. Landscape design has an important role to play in making better places for living.

Landscape Projects is experienced in the design of public spaces for living : places which support a wide range of lifestyles in high density urban, and lower density suburban, environments. The practice has developed a good understanding of the process of physical and social regeneration in new build and existing housing areas.

The practice works at all scales, from complete assessment of housing estates and strategic plans for new and renewal housing development, down to individual housing clusters and associated public and private space. Where appropriate, the practice uses group events and consultation workshops in conjunction with creative design processes to build a consensus for change.

Landscape Projects are developing new approaches to shared urban space through the use of Homezones. To read more select a project from the list to the left.

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Copyright © 2010-2019, Landscape Projects Ltd. 

All rights reserved



31 Blackfriars Road, Salford, Manchester,

M3 7AQ

t. +44(0)161 839 8336

f. +44(0)161 839 7155




t. +44(0)207 608 2963


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